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Community Rating: 3.793 / 5  (82 votes)
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An interesting twist on Regrowth. Although clearly not as good, the art certainly make up for its lacking power by comparison to its fig leaf descendant...

Keep it up Jason Chan- I hope to see more Gorgons in the future!
Posted By: Tsuichoi (12/11/2012 6:03:53 PM)


The reason that this exiles itself is because it appeared in a set with Deathrite Shaman in it. If it didn’t exile itself, you could dig in your graveyard for a card you wanted, and then exile Treasured Find with Potential Land DropDRS to do 2 points of damage to your opponent every time you cast this. That would be a little too killy.
Posted By: Kodanshi (2/16/2014 6:20:27 PM)


Seems really good. Regrowth has been too powerful for years, leading to stuff like Revive and Noxious Rebirth. This takes away the possibility of a broken combo (making cards fair is always good) and puts a bit of a colour restriction on it; seems fair.
Posted By: djflo (9/27/2012 2:15:13 AM)


I really like the skeleton necklace thing in this art. Is this one of the Sisters of Stone Death?

Posted By: matteumayo (9/25/2012 9:55:54 PM)


Deserves a much higher rating imo. Just because it exiles itself and is multicolored does not make it a full star less than Regrowth
Posted By: pedrodyl (10/7/2012 3:04:14 PM)


Regrowth, almost. Still, the effect is rare enough to make this worthwhile.
Posted By: Radagast (10/5/2012 6:45:14 PM)


Best used for getting things from the 'yard that other cards, like Disentomb, can't. Such as enchantments, instants, or sorceries. There are plenty of other cards to get back artifacts and creatures.
Posted By: MechaKraken (10/6/2012 11:56:39 AM)


This comment is not about the art.

Posted By: .Blaze. (9/25/2012 6:36:29 PM)


2 to return anything is handy, even with the self-exiling.

And the art. Just, the art...

If I made a "rock hard" joke, would I get slapped?
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (9/26/2012 9:31:44 PM)


At the time of the last trip to Ravnica, there was only one gorgon left alive on the plane. Savra/whatshisface killed two of the members of the sisters of stone death, leaving one. Return to Ravnica comes out, and suddenly the plane's full of them, from this one here to the rather uniquer looking vraska. The complete disregard to the storyline and plot followed in the books is rather sad, if you ask me.
Posted By: RAV0004 (9/30/2012 7:16:43 PM)


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