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Yeah, um just gonna say: this guy is great as a reprint because he doesn't jack up the price any more that it already is going to be. Maybe Wal-Mart has managed to keep Sliver Overlords and Chain Lightnings and Grim Lavamancers in reach, but somehow I doubt we will have the same luck with Entomb, Crosis, and Animate Dead; Cabal Therapy, Exhume, and Sphinx of the Steel Wind; Blazing Archon and Inkwell Leviathon. This deck is so PACKED with Bombs and Support that it really honestly might be the most powerful Pre-Con deck they have ever built. It is certainly the first time they've given us a real combo deck, deliberately.

'yeah, this is a combo deck. in a box. oh, and we kindly thought of padding the toolbox of creatures with things that real pros use. things that are deliberately tough to play around. it actually is kind of disgustingly cruel how powerful some of this stuff is.'

Posted By: DarthParallax (11/22/2011 5:42:10 PM)


This is why Dread Return was included in the deck, my homies.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (11/24/2011 8:13:17 AM)


I feel bad for this fella'. He is so ugly that he can't find friends and needs to make his own.
Posted By: ApotheosisCM (2/24/2012 4:08:07 PM)


Interesting choice to reprint.
Posted By: divine_exodus (11/18/2011 7:21:36 PM)


Hell, worse comes to worst, let him sit around for a couple turns and then use it to flashback dread returnon something else. Otherwise it's a 7/7 that makes 1/1s for cheap. You can't complain when it's this easy, there are just better things.
Posted By: Anon_Amarth (11/20/2011 11:38:40 PM)


i heard that a champ with a re-animator runs this, so just maybe why...
Posted By: chainsmoker (11/21/2011 4:36:22 AM)


Given that this deck can't get this into play any other way than reanimating it, and the deck doesn't really have much use for tokens per se, this was a really subpar choice. If mana cost is no object, I can think of plenty of big fatties I'd rather have than this: Iona, or Reya, or any of the Praetors, or any of the Titans, just off the top of my head.
Posted By: sonorhC (11/19/2011 10:36:05 PM)


Magmatic Force would have been a better choice.
Posted By: Atali (11/20/2011 6:19:09 PM)


I remade this deck a bit to run as BG, slipped in Essence of the Wildalong with quite a few more ways to pull creatures and some landramp. I had both out by turn 6 in three player...both players scooped on the spot.
Posted By: seath (1/13/2012 11:46:45 PM)


Coat of Arms and a kicked Rite of Replication. It's a lot of mana, but I've done it before with an Animar, Soul of Elements EDH.
Posted By: KokoshoForPresident (3/30/2012 2:25:05 PM)


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