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Community Rating: 4.328 / 5  (58 votes)
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I have multiple playsets of this guy. Dredge, reanimation, Vengeful Pharaoh, bridge from below, etc..

Very good enabler and an easy 2/2 flyer early game.

EDIT: When I realized this could be a 4/3 flying 1-drop with Undead Warchief.. omgasm.
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/18/2013 12:13:34 PM)


Dies to Chimney Imp and Storm Crow. And both of them have better combo potential than this, anyways.
Posted By: Goatllama (9/10/2013 9:41:23 AM)


One of the best T1 reanimator plays you can get with this guy is as follows:

Swamp -> {B}
Which pays for Dark Ritual.

~~~~~~~~~~~{B} Putrid Imp
__________/----discards fatty to make it a viable target of-
Dark Ritual--{B} Reanimate
``````````\----which brings out fatty who is then enchanted by-
~~~~~~~~~~~{B} Strength of Lunacy
```````````----that has been discarded by the Imp to meet Madness requirements-

Now your fatty has an additional +2/+1 and Protection from White.
Posted By: N03y3D33R (2/12/2014 8:58:14 AM)


One with Nothing on legs...
Posted By: tcollins (4/26/2014 11:52:53 PM)


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