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Community Rating: 2.506 / 5  (81 votes)
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The problem with all your "strictly worse than" is that you ignore card legality. Carbonize is only legacy. Yamabushi's Flame is modern. But only Annihilating Fire can be played in standard.
I am not trying to say say this is good, but still, it can deal with Voice of Resurgence, Chandra's Phoenix and many other threads in standard.
Posted By: zipec (9/18/2013 9:19:11 AM)


This card is excellent, but not in Mono-Black controlo decks. I am novice so I know that in Magic universe, exile is removal spells!
Posted By: Potsofloopy (10/3/2012 11:03:44 PM)


At first I thought "WOW Incinerate has seen better days". Then I realized, no, with an Omniscience out, this is actually different/stronger than Incinerate. It's sad it costs 3 times as much as Pillar of Flame, but for the Instant speed and + damage, probably correct.

This is basically a very powerful damage/burning effect, and I actually agree with Wizards' decision to wieght it Redder than Yamabushi's Flame. Nah, I don't really want to put this in ordinary Red Decks, but this feels like just the kind of card a completely different color scheme/strategy of deck might want to Splash Red for, maybe along with Ajani Vengeant. Control looks at this and is much more interested than Burn ever will be.

I've never seen anyone flashback Bump in the Night, but if you have, this is worlds better than doing that.
Posted By: DarthParallax (10/29/2012 11:32:59 AM)


HEYEAYEAYEAY! What's going on?
Posted By: gengiscorn (6/17/2013 5:11:17 AM)


Something tells me this is the intended replacement for Searing Spear.
Posted By: darkspire91 (7/24/2013 2:06:21 PM)


This card has lackluster art but I got 2 in my pre-release sealed pool and they did some heavy lifting. special bonus against Scavenge.
Posted By: lorendorky (10/1/2012 12:48:58 AM)


One Of The Most Efficient Burn Spells Ever.

Love Using This To Carbonize Yamabushi's #*?
Posted By: MasterofEtheriurn (10/11/2012 12:33:28 AM)


And people complained about Incinerate.
Posted By: Enemy_Tricolor (10/20/2012 6:13:39 PM)


Yamabushi Has Your Bushi Wushi
Posted By: NewerEtherium (11/6/2012 8:50:54 AM)


Maybe it's just me, but when it's next to the Ash Zealot in my organized card binder, I can't help but think that's her getting torched.
Posted By: Toquinha1977 (11/12/2012 1:09:07 PM)


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