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Community Rating: 2.660 / 5  (25 votes)
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Modal creature. "Choose one: Giant Octopus; or Wind Drake; or Fortress Crab".
Posted By: Minus_Prime (4/5/2012 3:36:52 PM)


love the old school story flavor text! :D
Posted By: DarthParallax (4/16/2012 11:26:25 AM)


Flicker effects make this a bit better, play it as a 3/3 creature when your opponent has nothing out, if he puts something out, flicker it and make it 2/2 w/ flying to evade, and if he answers that, flicker and make him a decent defender. The evolution to better match the game is what makes this card not totally suck, especially in this deck.
Posted By: RedAtrocitus (7/7/2012 10:07:04 AM)


Unfortunately, all 3 options are weak.
3/3 "vanilla" for 4, nice try hill giant.
2/2 flying for 4, no freaking way.
1/6 "wall" for 4, way to expensive.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (2/5/2013 12:40:58 PM)


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