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Wow, I got first comment.
I've actually found the loon kind of useful in the Venser deck.
The fact he has two abilities that compliment the deck give him an edge, but I wouldn't want him to use him anywhere else.
Posted By: NozzDogg (4/6/2012 4:52:08 PM)


I could use him somewhere else.
Posted By: atemu1234 (4/20/2012 5:05:15 PM)


The bounce is good combined with Calciderm and the like. The draw is good when you have a couple cards weighing you down. At the very least, you're playing him then bouncing him back for the card draw.

But then having to use both abilities, having to return a different creature to your hand if you want to keep him, and having to pay both White and Blue to play him, I'd hope for a little more out of his body. Whitemane Lion is a bear with flash and the bounce ability. It's a great combination of abilities, and he's on curve. I don't know, maybe I'm just not feeling the draw ability as much as I should, but Sawtooth Loon just seems more awkward to me.
Posted By: BastianQoU (5/6/2012 7:35:02 PM)


He is a bit awkward, especially against the Koth deck where you're wanting creatures out to be able to deal with the endless rush. Maybe I'm being greedy, but Flash would've helped a LOT here.
Posted By: psychichobo (10/13/2012 3:42:41 PM)


With omniscience out it can bounce itself for infinite loot.
Posted By: drossap1 (1/20/2013 7:30:06 AM)


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