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Community Rating: 3.075 / 5  (20 votes)
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salt marsh, which is strictly worse than this card, is rated 0.65 stars higher....
Posted By: Traius (7/29/2013 4:28:40 AM)


Surprised at the lack of comments. I guess I expected people to look through the card's Gatherer comments when they got their decklists. :P

Not the best dual land for sure but it certainly is budget friendly and the 1 life gain could matter synergisticly somewhere down the line.
Posted By: DritzD27 (7/15/2012 4:42:00 PM)


If you are good for mana the tapped condition won't matter much. And dual mana is always good in a pinch. Life gain isn't the greatest unless you specifically build around it, but it's never a bad thing and can matter against pingers etc. All in all a cheap, good land.
Posted By: Morgaledh (11/4/2012 4:33:22 PM)


I run these with Living Tsunami, Hedron Crab and Explorer's Scope in a landfall deck. Not the deadliest combo ever, but lifegain plus landfall plus coming out tapped anyway plus multi-mana opportunities is a decent deal all-around. Plus, if you've got one of these in your opening hand and no one-drops, it's a nice lifegain / T2 setup. 4/5
Posted By: wideyes (5/4/2013 12:55:28 PM)


I think it was very clever of WotC to print a cycle of super-available uncommon duals for casual player with a life-gain rider. New players are wary of multicolor and non-basic lands, but they -love- lifegain like nothing else. So a land that gains life will tempt them into finding out the awesome pleasure of playing weird lands.
Posted By: Opined_Fluke (6/18/2013 5:25:40 PM)


Looks like a pretty cool place. Plus, I heard they have a sphinx there
Posted By: nloock90 (8/21/2013 10:25:27 PM)


It does not compare favorably with Drowned Catacomb or Watery Grave, to say nothing of the more expensive dual lands. Some of the other lands in this cycle may be better than Evolving Wilds or Terramorphic Expanse if you're playing exactly two colors, but this one is part-blue. With blue, you may actually want to break the Expanse or Wilds to get a shuffle effect. Case by case.

But really, you should just get the set of Catacombs or something.
Posted By: Reversed (12/25/2012 12:25:45 AM)


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