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Community Rating: 4.267 / 5  (30 votes)
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"I'll attack with my Ornithopter."
"...Okay, I'll let it through?"
"HA!" -slaps down Mistblade Shinobi- "TAKE THAT"

...This card can be a lot of fun. It can get rid of Birds and Llanowar Elves and a bunch of other annoying first-turn creatures to disrupt your opponent's flow early game. Even late game, if you set everything up right, you can bounce your opponent's bigger threats.
Posted By: rogelio (6/1/2012 8:56:30 AM)


Hooray for easily affordable Ninjas.
Posted By: Salient (7/2/2012 8:27:41 PM)


Lovely, though i would only run 2-3 in a ninja deck.
Posted By: MCcreator (2/5/2013 10:53:56 AM)


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