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Community Rating: 4.267 / 5  (43 votes)
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This can win games out of nowhere.
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (6/3/2012 8:43:40 AM)


The hell is this card being voted as such a low ranking. This card used to a be a bloody powerhouse.
Posted By: Harmonrova (6/3/2012 7:23:17 AM)


@lime and @grim, You both have very valid points. However, understand that when Fires was first printed, Blood-Braids and Boggart Gangs were still years away. At that time, the only mass haste cards available were this and Fervor. Red/Green stompy had a very different tempo than they do now. Considering Fires was an uncommon to Fervor's rare, it was a lot easier to get a playset, too. And unlike the Cyclops, this is mass haste on an enchantment, not a creature, so it's not subject to combat tricks. The sac ability means a second fires is more than just a backup to removal.

Most Fires decks had healthy mana ramping with Llanowars and Birds, meaning this was usually a T2 drop. That meant dropping a hasted Blastoderm, Balduvian Horde, Hunted Wumpus, Flametongue Kavu, or any number of 4/4 or bigger creatures on T3. Yes, you might lose the creature race for that one turn you drop the Fires, but building a hasted deck means you should take that into consideration. Yes, you'll take a ... (see all)
Posted By: RedJaron (5/22/2013 3:13:55 PM)


Don't misunderstand this card. This is not just haste. It's second ability is just as important.

This card is never dead assuming you have creatures in hand or in play. It can be used for offense and for defense. It makes combat math a real headache for your opponent and it's definitely one of those cards that can just lead into a sequence of plays that flattens your opponent because you're just a turn too fast. And it's not even bad in multiples.

Plus, never forget that this card actually helps against wrath. Your opponent wraths, and you can just follow-up by beating him down with a creature you kept in your hand. If he's low you might even use the +2/+2 too and kill him.
Posted By: Shiizu (5/18/2013 7:48:43 AM)



Fires was traditionally played in the context of efficient, undercosted, BIG creature threats like Blastoderm (2GreenGreen for 5 power) or Shivan Wurm (3RedGreen for 7 power). Or cards like Saproling Burst, which net you 12 damage for 5 mana when the tokens have haste.

You're probably thinking that 5 damage on turn 3 followed by 17 on turn 4 will get you there. This is generally the case (or the fix, as it was called), but Fires doesn't always get those kinds of draws. The thing that enables a total shut-out in a strong matchup where the opponent is capable of neutralizing some of these threats quickly is the extra 2 points of damage. It's that extra 2 damage that pushes it over the edge, even if its on a lone Birds of Paradise flying over their team. It's an instant speed ability, and it has the ability to come out of nowhere. It also makes the playing of multiple Fires i... (see all)
Posted By: jetzine (9/5/2012 9:06:05 AM)


I'm sure it's just me, but never once have I seen this card preform as people say it's capable of. Here's my problems: Casting something for 3 that's not a creature seriously hurts the speed of the assault, haste or not. Thus, even when I draw it my opening hand, I feel like I waste a turn playing fires, just so my creature can attack instantly next turn, when I could have just played the creature this turn and attack the next turn. This leads in to my second point: if you don't draw it in the opening hand with mana accelerator and a beefy creature that costs 4, roughly 75% of it's power is gone. I have a hard time making a deck around that. Yes, it's awesome when birds and blasto and burst are all in the opening draw, but besides that....regular ol' stompy is better, and sligh is even better than that.

Straight from personal experience, 2/5.
Posted By: limejuicepowder (9/8/2012 9:59:30 AM)


@limejuicepowder: Your comment made me think and I can definitely see where you're coming from. A lot of Red/Green aggro decks these days would likely be happier to run cards like Boggart Ram-Gang instead of this. Cascading a Bloodbraid Elf into Boggart Ram-Gang or Violent Outburst is in many cases better than hitting a Fires.
The more I think about it, the more I find it likely that I'd just splash for a Madrush Cyclops or maybe even consider running Hellraiser Goblin, because the biggest weakness of Fires in a regular Red/ deck is the fact that it isn't a creature. And those two extra damage from Fires' buff? Well, now that you've got an additional 2/2 or 3/4 on the field you should technically still be in good shape.
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (4/26/2013 6:48:55 AM)


One of my favorite cards ever. There's nothing like playing this on T3, then discarding Roar of the Wurm and flashing it back on T4 and swinging right away. Ah, the good old days...
Posted By: JL2736 (6/14/2013 9:23:17 PM)


Favorite use is to sac it on my goblin/Thallid/squirrel army for a mass attack then letting the remnants of the battle be devoured by Thromok the Insatiable
Posted By: Mirrordin_Pure (8/5/2013 8:15:30 AM)


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