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Yes. This card could care less whether or not the spell resolves. Was it targeted: Yes, +3/+3. No, do nothing. So even if they counter your Giant Growth for some odd reason... :D
Posted By: phyrexiantrygon (6/16/2012 2:42:32 PM)


@Ferlord: Prey Upon goes on the stack. Wild Defiance triggers and goes on the stack. Wild Defiance's trigger resolves giving you a 3/4 BOP. Prey Upon resolves and they fight. Birds win. Then they swing in and clock the opponent for three.

@shmewdog: I actually came here to see precisely how this interacts with Spellskite. So I guess you can't just keep having one Spellskite redirect a spell to itself? Probably for the best, that's a little too stupid to be good.
Posted By: MaddAddams (7/20/2012 3:03:39 AM)


Someone help me out here with this. Let's say I have wild defiance on the battlefield + Chandra, The Firebrand. I pop Chandra's -2 in order to copy my next instant or sorcery. I than swing with all my creatures. My opponent declares blockers and lets me get through with a 1/1 creature. Now lets say I instant a titanic growth at that moment. It copies and I target my creature with the copy. My question is, does the copy that is created also trigger wild defiance. Am I now swing with that creature for 15/15 or is it going to be 12/12 instead?

Sorry if that sounds complex. I'm just trying to figure out if a copy of a spell triggers Wild Defiance?

Oh, also. Common bond. Because of the word of the spell, it almost appears like you are targeting twice. Does Wild Defiance trigger on each target?
Posted By: Trillenium (11/14/2012 5:01:40 AM)


Very nice for green infect!
Posted By: DaJoshMaster (4/26/2012 6:00:06 PM)


Maybe you could use it with your own spells? +7/+7 for titanic Grown. +5/+5 for Joint Assault. It's not terrible, but it's not the best card either.
Flavour text is badass though. Very Garruk-y.
Posted By: swords_to_exile (4/28/2012 9:58:16 PM)


Target the Phyrexian obliterator with prey upon and this would make for alotta fun.
Posted By: AgentOfTezzert (5/13/2012 7:15:16 PM)


why the need to untap? just wait until mid combat

nice thought, but defiance only triggers on instant and sorcery spells, not activated abilities
Posted By: LordOfGraves (11/11/2012 5:20:44 PM)


Let's see here, in a green infect deck, if you compare this with Livewire Lash:


Costs less mana to activate overall.
Effects all your creatures.
Gives three damage rather than two.


Takes an extra turn to get on the field.
Doesn't do damage directly.
Can't be used to take out creatures.
Doesn't give the initial +2/0 bonus.
Doesn't help at all if the creature is killed via a removal spell.

Overall, I think I still prefer the Lash, but this might make a good supplement to it.
Posted By: GlassJoetheChamp (5/13/2012 2:47:21 PM)


Yea, making my guy grow seems pointless if they are just getting bounced or just killed. This is even bad vs. burn since they just won't point the burn at your guys.
Posted By: .Blaze. (4/26/2012 5:08:10 PM)


@Mojovince Rating cards higher than you think they should be in order to get them closer to what you think they should be defeats the purpose of an average rating system, based on the assumption that you know better than the collective community.
Posted By: Domak (10/5/2012 10:19:31 PM)


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