Turns any of your creatures into Fatestitcher (without the unearth). You can use it for mana accel or combos, or disrupting the opponent's strategy 4/5 I say!
Posted By:
(9/3/2012 1:45:18 PM)
DritzD27- No, YOU control the aura, so YOU are the one that chooses to tap or untap. You do not, however, choose when that creature attacks. RaikNaSeem is right, and it does bring a new light to this card as a weak pacify. If they do choose to attack, you can untap and block, or tap something else, or untap something else. But in my opinion, it's better to put it on your own creature so you can have better control over it, but it still would work on theirs.
Also its not exactly the same as fatestitcher, both have their down/upsides. This one has a bonus of being able to attack and get this as a bonus, but is only able to be done during combat. Fatestitcher has the bonus of tapping or untapping anytime, but then you don't attack (but its not often you would attack with him anyways).
Posted By:
(12/19/2012 6:02:45 PM)
Hot damn Contaminated Ground and this in standard?
Posted By:
(2/2/2013 9:55:09 PM)