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Community Rating: 2.143 / 5  (42 votes)
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So much text for such a horrible effect. I mean flavour wise, nice idea, but damn. Maybe if he cost 3? Even then, kinda poor.
Posted By: Baconradar (8/12/2010 9:41:20 AM)


Common card in homelands, yet uncommon in MTGO's set.
Something fishy goin down!
Posted By: Kryptnyt (10/17/2010 5:22:01 AM)


It's a 4/3 for {3} in the first attack, and has at least minor evasion? Why is it rated so low? Should be at least 2.5/5 or maybe even 3/5.
Posted By: Lord_of_Tresserhorn (3/4/2012 11:40:48 PM)


@Lord_of_Tresserhorn It costs 4, not 3 to cast. So it's a 4/3 fourdrop with mostly drawbacks.
Although yeah i agree, it's not that terrible actually. I gave it a 2/5, and that's exactly the card's rating right now with 36 votes.
The ability to not be able to get blocked by artifact creatures is quite unique though - amusingly this does even make it unblockable if you give it Intimidate (e.g. with Gruesome Deformity).

The last ability also does at least give it the ability to "recover" its power, although since this requires both mana and tapping it's really just a little bonus. It would have been awesome if you could have added more than 4 counters that way. But that would have been asking a bit much for a Homelands creature :D
Posted By: Mode (5/13/2012 1:55:18 AM)


For the same cost, you could get a Juggernaut even then, when creatures were weaker.
Posted By: Aquillion (5/13/2013 11:48:48 AM)


Can proliferate increase the number of +1/+0 tokens?
Posted By: DarthMetool (9/7/2013 6:47:58 PM)


When it was first printed I remember eagerly reading every word of the rules text, increasingly excited, until I got to "You may have no more than four of these counters on Clockwork Steed" and just literally dropped the card on the table and walked off dismayed.

You've gotta admit, that "Variable Colorless, Tap" ability would be boss if there was no limitation on the number of counters.
Posted By: Salient (10/7/2013 8:32:42 PM)


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