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The first strike makes the abysmal toughness less of a pain, but it still is one. Cards with 1 hit point make me nervous in general >.> In a magical world where creatures only take damage from creatures, the FS would protect him just fine, but we live in a magical world where this guy will get shredded if a -1/-1 counter so much as looks in his direction. I certainly wouldn't want the burden of knowing I just spent 4 mana on that.
Posted By: GradiustheFox (3/3/2010 2:11:30 AM)


Know what's better? Shivan Raptor. Plus, it's a raptor, the coolest animal ever.
Posted By: blindthrall (12/16/2010 1:46:46 AM)


Watch out for that lava dart, Mr. Barbarian!
Posted By: TDL (4/19/2011 11:52:39 PM)


Too bad an army of these die to a single activation of pyrohemia
Posted By: allmighty_abacus (9/13/2010 10:06:51 AM)


I'd imagine a card simply named "Halberdier" would be a white Soldier card, not a red Barbarian, espcially since a halberd doesn't strike me as an especially "barbaric" weapon...
Posted By: Tiggurix (6/8/2013 8:33:35 AM)


cool card, should have been a 3/2. And should have cost 1
Posted By: Wulfsten (6/2/2011 7:46:24 PM)


If you can get some sort of protection like Diplomatic Immunity on it, then none too bad at all. I like first strike quite a bit these days, especially with infect around. But for the mana I think I'd rather put out a Blood Knight and use another two mana to buff it up with an aura or something. Other alternatives for red first strikers at <4 CMC would be Blood Ogre (new in M2012), Hell-Bent Raider, Lightning Hounds or even the legendary Jeska, Warrior Adept which is essentially Halberdier with haste and a tap-ping ability a la Prodigal Sorcerer.

Also, Bloodmark Mentor can give all your red creatures first strike, so on the curve you can come up with something much better once you hit turn four.
Posted By: jfre81 (7/31/2011 3:20:02 AM)


Along with Lava Axe, one of the first cards to be considered "broken" in my playgroup back in the day.
Uhh, no, that's not a joke. He was the nuts with the Giant Growth effects we couldn't stop playing.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (4/26/2012 4:37:56 AM)


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