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Community Rating: 3.713 / 5  (68 votes)
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Even when you're not playing against tribal, most decks will have at least two creature cards of the same type, and probably at least four copies of one creature, if nothing else. It's decent non-targeted, non-destructive, non-damaging removal / nullification in a color that doesn't usually get it, with a decent chance of turning out to be a two-for-one or better over the course of a game.

As an aside, this is also one of the few Homelands cards that actually explored a new mechanic -- I don't think there were any "name a creature type" or generic tribal-relevance cards before this one.
Posted By: Aquillion (5/17/2013 7:27:04 PM)


Hey a very strong tribal hoser.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/30/2013 9:03:30 AM)


wow i love that art
Posted By: CityofAs (5/25/2014 7:38:03 PM)


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