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Braids, Cabal Minion + Gravecrawlers is just awesome.
Dark Ritualed Phyrexian Obliterators thrown into that sort of a monoblack deck is just mean. Weak against artifacts but just ruins your opponents setup. Braids is not a team player.
Posted By: McKnuty (7/6/2012 1:21:37 PM)


Damn, nonbo with Squee, Goblin Nabob. That would have been a sick curve.

I like the thought of using Heartless Summoning, Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker, and this in some kind of black or black/white attrition control build. Maybe throw in some Chittering Rats-type hand disruption. Definitely casual, but probably fun.
Posted By: GargleMesh (9/7/2012 4:11:32 PM)


Kind of like the abyss, but with a stick.
Posted By: Behalter (1/20/2010 2:56:20 PM)


It always amused me how "rivethead" fashion influenced the look of the Cabal minions in the Odyssey block. See Cabal Torturer, Cabal Trainee, and Chainer, Dementia Master for more examples.
Posted By: iandustrial (4/20/2009 11:22:13 PM)


"Home is where you can find a decent graveyard and strangers can disappear without awkward questions."

Posted By: Stray_Dog (7/1/2011 5:05:46 AM)


How has nobody mentioned Bitterblossom?

Or at least the top comments haven't. Kinda crazy. I really want to try her as my commander while I have a mono-black deck. Same for Kokusho. I guarantee house rules would have her unbanned as a commander for me to test. She just seems so... fun. But yeah, in multiplayer, if you so much as even drop her after a certain point, you won't survive the turn. They will kill you.

Kinda balanced in that aspect, hm?
Posted By: OmegaReborn (8/2/2012 9:17:07 AM)


The flavour text reminds me of Cheers, except it's in some sort of Cabal/Black-based dungeon with a shifty bartender, the Waterfront Bouncer, and a Tavern Swindler to complete the picture... Maybe the chef's Abattoir Ghoul (or not, whatever floats your mana).

I can see Braids, using her timeshifted persona (because that what happens, please quiet down) to woo unsuspecting men to her, and then kill them with... you know, whatever she kills people with.

Also, Braids was wearing goggles before Chandra decided it was cool.
Posted By: Ferlord (12/3/2012 7:21:43 PM)


God I love this card. It's just the right amount of pain for a black card, and just the right amount of abusable. I played several games with a deck that has her yesterday, and was able to get her out turn 3, and then lock my opponent out with Dakmor Salvage in two games of the 3. Although one of those games was against a counter/burn, and they managed to get a mountain down and bolt her :( , resulting in me losing eventually.
Posted By: NoIHavent (2/12/2013 9:08:31 AM)


When I first saw her on blackmail I thought her twisted face was due to the hit or miss nature of so many old mtg artworks. After seeing her on multiple cards I was delighted to see that she is always has that crazed look on her face.
Posted By: puresightmerrow (3/5/2013 10:56:03 AM)


Puppet Conjurer. Just make sure to stack the abilities so that you sack the Homunculus to Braids rather than the puppeteer.
Posted By: Vedalken_Arbiter (7/25/2010 12:39:06 PM)


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