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Community Rating: 2.817 / 5  (30 votes)
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No way, this thing is great. Ever played against a super slow control deck? Get this out early when they don't have counter magic up and it puts them on a serious clock. Just get a few extra bits of damage in past the control and this can finish them off.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (1/5/2011 7:36:30 PM)


too bad it doesnt hit all players at the same time on your own upkeep like Rumbling slum or it could be good in bloodthirst decks. As it is, rather meh.
EDIT: @ Tommy9898 Kinda having a like hate thing with you buddy... Didnt like your cemetary gate comment (As I am sure you will see.) at me but I see what your saying here, and I can apreciate good advice even from someone who irks me. Just try to tone it down a bit, and maybe we can be respecful rivals.
Posted By: XTwistedsoulX (10/24/2011 7:39:23 AM)


But against this super slow control deck, Ankh of Mishra is actually a beating rather than an annoyance.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (6/12/2012 8:02:41 PM)


Time clock of 20 turns. Don't hate.
Posted By: wholelottalove (11/5/2012 12:10:18 PM)


This is an interesting card - and one of those times when Howling Mine's drawback (that your opponent draws first) works for you. Especially in the early days of the game, this slow, continuous, colorless ping might have appeared in slow control decks featuring Stasis and Winter Orb, and at 2 to cast, this was definitely feasible as a secondary win condition.

A recent update on this card is Onyx Goblet. For just Black more, you don't have to take the pain - plus, it is life loss, so not preventable like the damage caused by this.
Posted By: Equinox523 (4/25/2013 10:29:37 AM)


Reminds me of the Commandments scene in History of the World.
Posted By: Ibn_Shisha (6/10/2013 10:12:14 AM)


Back when "flavor" was an inconsistent concept.
Posted By: Salient (7/17/2013 7:41:53 PM)


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