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Community Rating: 2.354 / 5  (24 votes)
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Come on, it's not so bad, bit like Purge except additional 1 for draw. Of course there are better but there are also conditions in them. Always liked simple target and not waiting for "the least power in game", "CMC equal or less to number in your graveyards" etc. Nice if you are making deck against White only.
Posted By: Hentai (1/30/2010 12:50:50 AM)



Dark Offering

And there are some that are even worse, although they aren't technically spells
Posted By: StuartHamilton (12/6/2010 3:32:11 AM)


the worst kill spell i have ever seen. period.
Posted By: jugglingguy (12/7/2009 4:15:23 PM)


No good. Relies to much on them having white creatures. Sure there are ways to make creatures white ( Eight-and-a-Half-Tails ) but cards that do that are not very common, and by the time that you have turned the creature white you are most likely looking at AT LEAST a 4 cost spell to destroy target creature. The only upside that I see to this spell is that it lets you draw a card to replace it (and I guess that the creature can't be regenerated....). All in all it seems to me like in almost all situations you would be better off using something else.
Posted By: SGLinkmaster (5/27/2011 9:37:25 AM)


Kids, it's called "sideboard." Not terrible for what it is.

Painter's Servant, calling white, can make this bury any creature at instant speed with cantrip.
Posted By: jfre81 (10/29/2011 12:53:36 PM)


I mean, maybe in a world where Deathmark wasn't a thing.
Posted By: Cousin_Istvan (3/4/2013 1:29:09 AM)


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