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By landscape master Mr. Rob Alexander, who brought us the shocklands from Ravnica block.
Posted By:
(4/17/2011 8:53:09 AM)
WotC rep 1: Well Rob, for our new block we are looking for some really intense mountain-scapes.
WotC rep 2: Yeah, stuff full of drama and really straightforward like Remote Farm.
Rep 1: And Web...
Rep 2: Great card, great card.
Rob Alexander rubs his chin, nodding in agreement. He pauses for a second.
Rob A: Got it!
The reps lean in closer
Rob: A giant.. hole!
Rep 2: A what?
Rep 1: No wait, you mean a volcano right? This is good.
Rep 2: Yeah, yeah, with like lava and stuff?
Rob A: No, not lava, WATER!
Rep 1: I'm sorry, is it a geyser?
Rob A: No, no, the water is going into the hole.
Rep 1 whispers to Rep 2: I think we've lost Rob.
Rep 2: Get Tony Szszudlo on the phone.
Posted By:
(3/20/2012 9:07:55 PM)
I think the art on this is beautiful. I have a bunch of these signed by Mr. Alexander, which are now in my mono-red EDH deck (Don't judge me, I know mono-red is bad in EDH. It's for fun).
Posted By:
(11/19/2012 5:15:45 AM)