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@mode maybe two of the "dwarves" are actually little girls
Posted By: __Silence__ (10/5/2011 7:48:23 PM)


I've seen better cards of that type.
Posted By: SwordSkill (9/21/2009 3:30:09 PM)


@Mode This guy had 4 power, and Leatherback Baloth had 5 toughness.
Posted By: Kruggles (9/30/2011 9:47:50 PM)


Sure, random discard hurts it, but it gives you haste the turn you cast it, which is the only time giving it haste matters, and it does so for no extra mana. 3/5.
Posted By: syrazemyla (4/24/2012 7:55:12 PM)


4 power is pretty strong for such a little Dwarf when you think about it, most of his prowler pals just have 1 or 2 power.
Consider this can kill a Leatherback Baloth unharmed :D

Nevermind, just realized it's not just a single Dwarf, but one of those 'multiple guys represent one unit'-type of creature. Then again when there are four of them seen in the art, why does this only have 3 toughness?
Oh well, the flavor with such creatures often screws up anyways in conjuction with other cards. Or the fact that a part of this, unlike Hydras, won't die until it's dealt lethal damage as a unit.

Edit #2 (since 2011/8/7):
@Kruggles Dang you're right, how could i screw this up! Well, they can still kill a Demigod of Revenge unharmed :P
@__Silence__ Wouldn't this just make it a 3/3 then instead? ;)
Posted By: Mode (5/13/2012 1:15:57 AM)


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