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Community Rating: 2.900 / 5  (35 votes)
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I never felt like the whole "Sac when targeted" thing was too much of a drawback, as usually an opponent targeting my creature wants to kill him anyways. But i guess it does open him up to other targeted effects that wouldnt normally kill a 3/3. All in all, with flying... not to shabby.
Posted By: XTwistedsoulX (5/19/2010 2:58:12 PM)


I concur, the 'skulking' drawback isn't much of one. a 1/1 flying for two in black is ok, and in this set threshold wasn't hard to achieve, so more often than not it was a 3/3 flying for two, very efficient for any color. I could definitely see running this if i need to fill any creature slots in a deck that fills up the graveyard quick.
Posted By: jsttu (7/19/2011 6:34:27 PM)


This is one of my favorite cards! Horrors are my favorite creature type and my love for this card stems from it's awesome art and my fond memories of first starting out magic during the Torment block. He gets drenched in blood in my B/R Rites deck.
Posted By: night8883 (6/23/2012 3:09:55 AM)


tap target creature and he is dead
Posted By: Skulisk (10/1/2011 1:43:00 AM)


This card needs enchantments that give hexproof. Anyone know any?
Posted By: atemu1234 (12/3/2011 10:40:31 AM)


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