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Community Rating: 2.743 / 5  (35 votes)
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Carnage altar ain't got shit on this card. When you draw cards, you want to be able to have the most mana available to cast them. When you plan to leave mana open and sac in response to removal spells, or at the end of turn, you want to be able to do so with as little mana as possible. The difference between 2 and 3 is enormous.
What you really want instead of this card is Skullclamp. Screw instant-speed, when I can get 14 cards a turn.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (1/30/2012 4:01:56 AM)


This is a "properly balanced" card. In today's casual games you are either sacrificing creatures to punish your opponent (through cards like Gravepact and such) or so your opponent cannot take control of them.

In the latter case, Culling Dias is generally superior.
Posted By: grothesk (2/19/2012 2:20:57 PM)


Great card if your deck likes having untapped mana. Good way to deter removal cards.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/11/2013 12:00:40 AM)


sac saprolings
get a carnage altar instaid
Posted By: persecutor (3/30/2010 11:45:59 AM)


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