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Player Rating:
Community Rating: 2.731 / 5  (26 votes)
The player rating is the overall rating for the card taking into account all player rating votes.

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Decent in some ways - Suicide Black, anyone? - but the need to spend mana will slow down your ability to play other speedy creatures. Still playable, however.
Posted By: Radagast (12/19/2010 11:17:40 AM)


Vampire Bats that gave up flying to get +1/+0 and the ability to get bigger?
Posted By: Test-Subject_217601 (1/12/2011 10:07:42 AM)


I've got four of these in my rat deck. A very solid one-drop that can apply some good early pressure. And they can chump and kill bigger creatures in the mid-game, provided you don't mind losing a little life. They're far better than their 2.7 rating indicates. 3.5 / 5.
Posted By: ChumleyX (12/3/2013 5:26:28 PM)


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