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Well said. Plus, it combos oh-so-nicely with Predict.
Posted By: Kirbster (12/10/2011 11:28:45 PM)


This card's kind of the opposite of Counterspell, in a yin/yang way. You want to flat out counter a spell that could win your opponent the game, or swing the tide. Stopping the spell is everything, in that situation, and you're willing to risk the possibility that they have a better spell in their hand. In that case, you'd rather have a Memory Leak, sure.

But what about three turns before that, before they've even drawn that card? What Memory Lapse can do is turn a risky play by an opponent into a Time Walk for you. It can't stop their kill spell, but it does a *much* better job than Counterspell at disrupting their setup -- you're effectively setting them back a draw. You want to Memory Lapse absolutely anything an opponent taps out to cast, even if it's a mediocre setup component that you wouldn't normally expend a counterspell on. You also want to Lapse absolutely any spell if you suspect your opponent does not have any more land in their h... (see all)
Posted By: Salient (1/25/2012 5:40:03 PM)


I say better than counterspell, because not only does it stop a spell w/out a double blue cost, but it also sets your opponent back a turn. 4.5/5
Posted By: shotoku64 (1/15/2012 12:54:26 PM)


This card does exactly what it is designed to do. It is played as a redundant counter for tempo. Save your hard counters for the spells you don't want to hit the table. Use this counter if what they played isn't a very good card and won't help them. For example.. you play first, your opponent brainstorms at the end of your second turn, you have that two mana open but your opponent just spent all of their's on the brainstorm, so just Memory Lapse it and they will have to top deck brainstorm again. If they needed that card draw then you just cast Time Walk
Posted By: Hovercraft (9/4/2012 2:56:50 PM)


Not better or worse than Counterspell. With this you know what they'll be drawing (and probably playing) next turn, so they get pushed back a turn in terms of progression.
With Counterspell you still push them back, but the next card they draw is a mystery. It could be their 12th land, or it could be an even better card than the one you countered.

I'd say you should feel free to use this more often than Counterspell, and use Counterspells for the more deadly things your opponent plays.

Either way, very good card.
Posted By: psyklone (1/17/2010 7:13:37 PM)


This is rather atypical Rebecca Guay artwork. Not nearly the rustic ethereal style she's known for; this is almost more stylized to look cruder. Striking all the same, but very different.
Posted By: TtothaOtothadoubleD (2/5/2013 6:18:10 PM)


It kills your opponent's next draw step and wastes their mana. See Chittering Rats for something similarly annoying that's legal in more formats.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (9/22/2013 2:17:35 AM)


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