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Community Rating: 1.821 / 5  (14 votes)
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Overcosted, unless you have some unlikely infinite mana combo going (but why use it on this?) The fact that it's a sorcery really kills it.
@ Ferlord: but they're not in the set... :(
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (9/15/2012 10:14:47 AM)


Horrifically overpriced. If you're not paying its Replicate cost, it's 2Blue for something that costs u normally. If you pay the replicate cost, you're paying 4BlueBlue to bounce two creatures, which is enough mana for so many better things. If you're paying the replicate cost twice -- that's 9 mana, why isn't the game over already?

On top of that, it's just not generally useful to bounce multiple things at once -- not enough to pay this sort of premium for it.
Posted By: Aquillion (3/11/2013 12:00:10 AM)


Or just play Unsummon/Vapor Snag/Boomerang/Into the Roil, you idiot.
I know that it can do multiple targets, but really? 2Blue for the ability of a card that costs Blue? Get real.

Name's interesting, though.
Posted By: Ferlord (9/9/2012 7:57:43 PM)


I love bounce spells... but looking at all that mama makes me want to cry.
Posted By: Haziad (4/25/2013 12:33:32 AM)


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