Yet another card Liquimetal Coating makes awesome.
Posted By:
(11/30/2010 12:25:12 AM)
No Gorilla Shaman, but he isn't restricted to non-creature artifacts, and can destroy the most expensive artifacts for 1 mana and a suicide. Give him Artifact Ward and he doesn't even have to die to kill the big stuff. Dust to Dust will deal with those tricky indestructables and regenerators.
Posted By:
(3/21/2010 1:37:51 AM)
@Misago: Wow, what a thorough evaluation of such an old goblin!
@A3Kitsune: Interesting seeing him evaluated alongside the ever-popular Gorilla Shaman. Also a very neat suggestion on how to keep him alive!
I really can't add much to the strategic suggestions that these two and TDL have given, so I'll just go the flavour route. I like this goblin (big surprise) for his flavour. That wicked grin is so perfect - he is wrecking that spider and absolutely loving his own mischief. He doesn't seem to have reacted to the little tail fire he's got going there, which makes you wonder - is that a manic grin on his face? Or is he about to jump up and start running around screaming in a comical fashion?
I don't have the answer, but I can tell you that the thought of this guy riding a Phyrexian Dreadnought into oblivion makes me feel a little warm and fuzzy inside.
Posted By:
(11/19/2010 7:09:44 AM)
(Card Rating: 4.0) This card can be exponentially useful when ON the battlefield for longer than a turn. One major problem for this card is Umezawa's Jitte. Due to the fact that most likely you would be running this card in a Goblin deck, a mainly creature based deck, the turn you have to wait to be able to use the "tap" ability means you will not be able to use at all. I recommend Goblin Chieftain or Goblin Warchief to @ssist Goblin Tinkerer with haste. Goblin Tinkerer shows it's strength in a multiplayer setting by being able to destroy high mana cost artifacts without requiring the mana that Gorilla Shaman needs. I use 2 Goblin Tinkerer's in my casual multiplayer black/red goblin deck. In that deck, I combine him with 2 Goblin Chirurgeon to regenerate Goblin Tinkerer at the expense of a token so he can keep blowing up devastating artifact... (see all)
Posted By:
(5/18/2010 3:01:12 PM)
Myr Landshaper + this.
Posted By:
(5/17/2010 9:59:47 PM)
" lets see.... cross this wire with that wire. humm, mybe poke this thing" a massive explosion rings through the halls.
Posted By:
(1/4/2011 7:19:35 PM)
Hey, not like you're going to be keeping the Tinkerer around for anything else anyway, right?
Posted By:
(11/19/2010 10:42:45 PM)
Chew on that, artifact lands!
Posted By:
(1/11/2011 6:11:10 PM)
"Oh, this piece isn't important"
Posted By:
(2/2/2011 5:51:09 AM)
No one said Slagwurm Armor?
Posted By:
(2/3/2011 12:38:13 PM)