I don't see what's so great about this card. Assuming that you aren't running any mana accel, this card's two earliest possible uses will look like this:
Turn 3: Tap all lands, deal 3 damage to something.
Turn 5: Return the Hammer to your hand by tapping all lands.
Turn 6: Use half of the mana available to cast it again.
This means that you've spent 11 mana and 2.5 turns to use 2 lightning bolts at sorcery speed. Also, as it has been said, this completely ignores red's philosophy of winning by the fifth turn.
Posted By:
(8/6/2010 6:08:46 PM)
This card is fabulous in multiplayer. Just having recurring cards in drawn-out games is fantastic.
Posted By:
(3/24/2011 9:48:22 PM)
This card was all the rage until they made a better version in Cursed Scroll. There are very few situations where I'd actually want to go back to using this card instead.
Posted By:
(5/11/2011 2:57:03 PM)
Yet another awesome old card put out to the EDH pasture...
Posted By:
(3/31/2014 9:06:08 PM)