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Not Reckless, just dumb.
Posted By: Deepfried-Owls (6/6/2011 12:12:16 AM)


Needs Training Grounds. (Like everything else)

Not that you can trigger the ability, then trigger in response to it going on the stack, so you can get a lot more than two damage out of him before he dies.
Posted By: Lord_of_Tresserhorn (2/27/2012 4:38:05 AM)


Good for a big explosion. Otherwise, there are a hundred better ways to do damage.
Posted By: Treima (5/8/2009 8:18:32 AM)


Expensive, inefficient, and suicidal. I think i will pass.
Posted By: jsttu (2/12/2011 6:43:24 PM)


This has the distinction of being a pinger that does not need to tap to use its ability. That means this can attack, deal its 2, and then also use its ability to potentially take something out bigger than itself. To get around its drawback, you have to put in work, and because of this it's probably not worth it most of the time. There are way better things to do with a Holy Mantle or Akroma's Memorial.
Posted By: Equinox523 (4/15/2014 8:20:11 AM)


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