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Community Rating: 4.847 / 5  (121 votes)
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My 5 just made it from 4.5 to 5.
Thank God. Any P9 not rated 5 is due to plain ignorance -_-
Posted By: RafiqTheMiststalker (5/10/2010 6:46:31 PM)


Anyone else seen this amazing artwork by Vokan Baga? http://www.volkanbaga.de/seite_paintings.html

He has a few mox there. I would love to see a reprinting of these.
Posted By: RowanKeltizar (6/2/2010 7:43:23 PM)


Mox Ruby cameos on Goblin Warchief and Blatant Thievery
Posted By: Ideatog (5/17/2011 4:00:03 PM)



Didn't he do the new art for the Relics version of Mix Diamond?
Posted By: Lateralis0ne (8/25/2010 8:39:26 AM)


@Rowan: The ones on his site were given out as oversized prize cards at, I think, the World Championship in Vintage.

Though I'm not sure exactly where they were given out, they definitely were prizes.
Posted By: Dragon_Whelp (2/17/2011 3:35:03 PM)


Interestingly, this did NOT make it into the FourPointNine club, a HIGHLY prestigious group of merely 39 cards out of all of Magic that pass the Gatherer popularity polls. Mox Sapphire did not qualify either, and only TWO printings of Basic Island made it out of the 50-something-or-so that have been made.

This is Mox. Why isn't it a 4.9?
Posted By: DarthParallax (2/10/2012 7:04:43 PM)


I'm the first to comment on this printing of this card!
I wish I had some of these laying around!
Posted By: TreeTrunkMaster (12/1/2009 4:12:05 PM)


"Though I'm not sure exactly where they were given out, they definitely were prizes."

The oversized Mox Ruby was given away at the Vintage Champs at GenCon. It was won by Stephen Menendian, IIRC.
Posted By: scumbling1 (7/13/2011 2:48:30 PM)


You know, its really easy to proxy for some tabletop magic. Print out wallet sized copies with normal paper, cut them out cleanly, insert into card sleeve in front of real card.

It looks real as shit, You could get away with it really, but they probably check major vintage tourney decks at the door.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (12/8/2012 2:16:12 AM)


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