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Has anyone ever actually gotten all four together and made the Super-Chimera? After all, it's only a paltry 16 mana for an 8/8 with a few abilities....
Posted By: Kirbster (7/1/2010 5:42:55 PM)



For bonus points...

Step 1: Morph Proteus Machine
Step 2: Play "Ach! Hans, Run!" or start the Urzatron if you wanna be legal
Step 3: Unmorph Proteus machine as a Chimera
Step 4: Search for each Chimera and sacrifice them all to boost Proteus
Step 5: Attack with your giant robot

...If anyone ever pulls this off, they are a god.
Posted By: NARFNra (11/29/2010 9:36:53 PM)


The Chimeras are actually a pretty cool idea and would have been decent before M10 rule changes. The main problem is that you can't keep transferring the counters and abilities you got from another chimera. If you could chain the sacrifices, they would still be playable today.
Posted By: achilleselbow (8/6/2010 3:03:43 PM)


I did actually, at one point, run a chimera deck to great effect. It was back when combat damage hit the stack. Swing or block with one of these, sac it for another's boost when the other wasn't blocked or just because. Lifeline is also relevant. I'm not gonna say that deck was an absolute bomb, because it was legacy, but it worked pretty well.
Posted By: Joseph_Leito (7/25/2012 3:15:47 PM)


My friend and I not only managed to assemble the Chimeratron (thanks to Head Games) but we also managed to deal damage with this guy's trample. It was a glorious day for multiplayer.
Posted By: Goatllama (4/10/2013 11:14:57 AM)


I find myself wondering whether Theros will lead to these receiving errata to only target ARTIFACT Chimerae.

EDIT: Never mind, if they didn't do it for Mistform Ultimus or the changelings, they're not going to do it now.
Posted By: SkyknightXi (9/11/2013 3:28:08 PM)


I like the art so much...
Posted By: Demage (12/8/2009 7:04:40 AM)


If they were a whole big 'ol tribe it wouldn't be so bad (think slivers), but since there's only four of them they don't find many uses.
Posted By: TPmanW (3/16/2011 10:29:43 AM)


Chimeras now have a lord, Adaptive Automaton. I think he works out better for them than most other tribes since he boosts their limited number as well as he can have the rest pile up on him for your super chimera robot. :-D

I'd like it if the abilities carried over. So a 4/4 First Strike Trampler could be moved to the Flyer instead of only being able to do the opposite without a loss of a card.
Posted By: OmegaSerris (8/25/2011 3:43:19 AM)


There should be art retconned for the super-chimera, with all the pieces stuck together. That would be pretty neat.

I generally dislike the Yugi-Oh! pseudo-mechanic of having creature cards that narrowly reference a specific other card (or cards) to make a super-monster though. they're generally crappy, unplayable, and not really worth the effort, or just a shameless attempt to cash-plug into splashy rares, like in Shards of Alara.
Posted By: justicarphaeton (10/17/2010 10:59:51 PM)


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