Infect one of your creatures with Smallpox, then infect your opponent with it!
Posted By:
(1/27/2013 10:37:49 AM)
Looks a lot meaner when you realize it has a good chance of hitting twice on the turn you play it. It's like every other cipher card in that it's sort of contingent on you owning a creature with evasion, which won't always be the case. But if this DOES manage to get through a couple of times, you're pretty much guaranteed the game.
Posted By:
(1/23/2013 9:54:15 PM)
This is a costly spell, but Cipher seems to be more costly than the other mechanics.
I think Cipher will be a problem in limited, especially when people have one of these. Casting this each turn (attached to an unblockable creature) will be just the opposite of the Bee's Knee's.
Posted By:
(1/24/2013 12:09:11 AM)
"Single target, repeatable Smallpox.
People are complaining about this? People are complaining about this!?" --DoragonShinzui
People are complaining about this. However-
That's because it isn't what you make it out to be:
Calling this a single target, repeatable Smallpox is like calling, say,
Steelshaper Apprentice a harder to kill, repeatable Stoneforge Mystic.
First of all it cost three times as much, so the first impact it can have on the game is much later,
where likely none of these effects hits your opponent that hard.
Additionally, the effect also does not make your opponent sacrifice a land.
And last but not least, the repeatability of it is quite conditional.
True, it can be somewhat reliable in the right deck - but that asks for dedicating it to the Cypher mechanic,
otherwise your opponent will just block or destroy your cypher target,
and you wasted your sixth tu... (see all)
Posted By:
(1/4/2014 6:23:01 PM)
The best part is that the person you target with this doesn't have to be the person you attacked with the creature you ciphered this onto
Posted By:
(1/22/2013 2:46:05 PM)
Rinse, lather, and recast. Twice as soon as you play - two targeted pseudo-smallpoxes - and then more if the creature doesn't get removed. Much potential, here.
Posted By:
(1/22/2013 3:30:14 PM)
Single target, repeatable Smallpox.
People are complaining about this? People are complaining about this!?
Posted By:
(2/1/2013 9:16:32 AM)
The sac a permanent component is going to be most effective in the long run and can possibly make your opponents sacrifice lands.
Posted By:
(1/25/2013 12:01:37 PM)
The art looks like he's saying "urglglg don't eat the shrimp."
Posted By:
(1/23/2013 3:22:14 AM)
That elf got a full Dimir welcome...
Posted By:
(1/24/2013 1:01:03 PM)