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Community Rating: 3.047 / 5  (86 votes)
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The flavor text is so simple yet awesome.
Posted By: Rokukel (1/28/2013 7:14:04 AM)


Great card in Simic limited! So many ways to enable him and he enables the rest of your team.
Posted By: CastleOrange (1/29/2013 1:17:35 PM)


I misjudged this little guy. The 6 power on a five-drop is huge, and he can usually get quite a bit bigger. A Crocanura or Ivy Lane Denizen will get him to 7/3, a Clinging Anemones or Elusive Krasis will get him to 8/4, and a Leyline Phantom will get him to 9/5. This guy starts decent (and will usually evolve some/all of your creatures) and can really get out of hand. Gets really scary with Crowned Ceratok or Sapphire Drake.

Definitely not Constructed-worthy in any sense of the word, but still a decent Limited card.
Posted By: merlin34 (2/2/2013 5:25:17 AM)


I never got to attack with him in any limited games so far, but that's because my opponents use a removal spell on him asap. I think that says enough about 6 power with evolve for 5 mana in limited.
Posted By: mdakw576 (2/4/2013 11:27:47 PM)


Even if he is very likely to die in combat he will evolve all your creatures with its highly coveted 6 power. Additionally many creatures will evolve it thanks to his low toughness. This is the kind of guy that is great with some of the enchantments running around. Though the best part of him is how hard of a time the slower orzhov decks have with him.
Posted By: Shiizu (2/7/2013 3:41:52 PM)


This is personally my favorite evolve card. The goal of the play is to make their evolve guys as big as possible and this gets that job done very well. He in turn doesn't need much to grow either since Simic has a decent number of high toughness guys. Does everything you could ever want it to do in your limited Simic deck.
Posted By: .Blaze. (2/7/2013 11:40:47 PM)


That is all.
Posted By: xgurdian (2/27/2013 6:28:50 PM)


This dude gets +1 star for sweet artwork.
Posted By: Jerec_Onyx (6/3/2013 7:38:26 PM)


7/3 or better attacking T5 or T6 is hardly bad. No need for an evolve deck. Simply a beast deck with Pulse of the Tangle (Which is probably in there anyway) will make sure he's at least 7/3 when attacking, leaving a blocker, and if you have anything to drop trample on him (you do) then he's hitting for terra stomper levels of trampling power a turn earlier; which is great,

because it's a freaking common.
Posted By: blurrymadness (6/21/2013 9:33:28 AM)


Momentous Fall?
Posted By: The_Erudite_Idiot (10/2/2013 4:45:01 PM)


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