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Community Rating: 3.222 / 5  (54 votes)
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This can finish the game the turn it comes down. One of the best Primordials.
Posted By: Purplerooster (1/23/2013 7:00:43 PM)


Can win a game outright if used with some skill - it has Haste, as does its victims. Scary in Commander, of course, and nasty if used repeatedly.
Posted By: Radagast (2/12/2013 2:18:38 PM)


Mass Mutiny is 5 mana.
You get a 6/4 haste for 2.
What's not to like?
Posted By: FatalEagle (1/30/2013 1:51:10 PM)


This is a really good primordial in multiplayer because borrowing someone's stuff isn't nearly as relationship damaging as killing it. Plus, con***ing someone into a team with you to beat up another dominant player is very funny.
Posted By: djflo (2/2/2013 6:47:23 AM)


Being non-legendary and just an Avatar, I wouldn't say that this IN PARTICULAR is the boar-god--just one of its messengers. Although...the Old Gods are properly called the Utmungr, apparently. In the Enuma Elish, the monsters created by Tiamat and Qingu to punish the Igigi for killing Apsu were generally called the Utukki. The lammasu and nephilim imply that pre-city Ravnica's fauna are derived from Mesopotamian lore. Utmungr, Utukki...Admittedly a feeble connection, depending on where the -mungr comes from (if anywhere) and what it means.

Still leaves the question of who Qingu's stand-in is here, and whether the Utmungr really are a pantheon, or just a bunch of masks for it. (No, I'm not expecting Nicol Bolas again. Vaevictis Asmadi, though...)

I suppose there's a possibility that in the past, only one of these things was ever active at a time, but the Utmungr currently feel justified in fielding several at a time. I have to wonder what the Zhur-Taa would interpret see... (see all)
Posted By: SkyknightXi (1/22/2013 7:39:06 PM)


Since you're playing EDH (well, you have to be if you're actually running this thing), this is pretty useful.
Posted By: SyntheticDreamer (1/22/2013 10:29:03 PM)


In EDH and multi-player, this is EVIL.
Posted By: Cyberium (1/23/2013 1:30:20 PM)


Even a mini Insurrection is still very powerful. Scary that I'd only call this the 3rd best Primordial.
Posted By: .Blaze. (1/24/2013 5:57:05 PM)


Let us speculate on this being the boar-god that the Gruul worship. Let us also realize this is a pretty crappy card unless you have 2 or more opponents.
Posted By: lorendorky (1/22/2013 4:33:36 PM)


Sick of looking at this effect. Its ugly and long.
Still, this guy can be an easier finisher for red, 4/5
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (2/25/2013 6:36:53 AM)


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