There is no such thing as too much ooze :P
Posted By:
(1/22/2013 5:10:36 PM)
5/5. Soooooo much fun with evolve! As Milez0 pointed out, Fathom Mage is nutso with this. You know who else makes this card bananas? Master Biomancer. You can make ever increasingly large ooze tokens to keep triggering evolve and well...have a supply of exceedingly large ooze tokens. I love this card so much. Second favorite card in the set, right after Fathom Mage.
Posted By:
(1/23/2013 1:26:08 PM)
Despite the high initial cost, this card works wonder with Evolve!
Oh btw, Scute Mob
Posted By:
(1/23/2013 1:40:06 PM)
Hmm. Gavony Township? Stuff with undying? All kinds of shenanigans come to mind.
Posted By:
(1/23/2013 12:27:27 AM)
This is an avalanche in the making. When activating this, there is almost no reason not to pull at least one +1/+1 token from every creature with Evolve that you have in play; the more the better.
Posted By:
(1/23/2013 3:43:27 AM)
This retroactively makes Black/Green scavenge decks better. Trying to exile my 12/12 Corpsejack Menace with your stupid Selesnya Charm? Deal with this 8/8 Ooze now.
Posted By:
(1/23/2013 6:38:09 AM)
Nice sac outlet for simic among other delicious combos. 4.28/5.
Posted By:
(1/24/2013 9:46:20 AM)
This card is clearly meant to be played in a simic deck revolving around Evovle. Say you have 4 creatures with evolve. If played right, at least 3 of your creatures will have +1/+1 counters, which is fine. Use Ooze Flux to create a 3/3. Now that this ooze comes into play, it's most likely all your evolve creatures have a power or toughness lower than this ooze so they ALL get a +1/+1 counter. Now from here on you can create 4/4 Oozes with only TWO, i count, 2 mana! This puts alot of pressure onto your opponents and forces them to either destroy oozes and suffer card disadvantage or destroy your weak evolve creatures and suffer onslaught of attacks from the oozes.
Did i mention you can play this ability as an instant, no restrictions? So perfect!
4.5/5 just because it can't go into every deck but if done right can be turned into the new format for playing weenies.
Posted By:
(2/7/2013 4:11:30 PM)
Protean Hydra says hi
Posted By:
(6/13/2013 11:49:41 AM)
If I have four Fathom Mages out, then it's "
: Put in a 4/4. Draw four cards." Amazing synergy with the Evolve mechanic.
Posted By:
(1/22/2013 3:05:42 PM)