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The first mode of this card is worded perfectly to combo with Soul Ransom. Because the ability of Soul Ransom is Discard two cards: blah blah blah, when they discard the two cards the ability has to resolve for Soul Ransom to be sacrificed. Orzhov Charm in response, now the guy goes to their hand instead of them getting him back on the battlefield, they are down two cards, and you just got Soul Ransom back to recast as soon as they put a guy out.
Posted By: dustypoo90 (2/2/2013 4:46:44 PM)


Because a 2 mana removal spell that gets everything always has a catch. Personally though I'm more interested in returning Restoration Angel to my hand to get another spin at blinking.
Posted By: .Blaze. (1/24/2013 6:03:34 PM)


I like the "save my creature AND Auras" effect, but having to recast them all could be a hassle. Or you could use it as a chance to put the Auras on something else.

The last effect is really limited, but it's nice for the really useful 1-drops that tend to die quick. Like Vexing Devil, Deathrite Shaman, Doomed Traveller, Tormented Soul... Do I need to go on?

And the second effect... a cheap kill spell that isn't a rare. Don't care that I lose life when it kills something, it kills things and I don't have to trade or spend several dollars on a single removal card for my deck.
Posted By: Diachronos (1/26/2013 10:01:19 PM)


This card suits orzhov perfectly in my opinion.

1st ability is ok. Some opponents may wait for u to swing with Obzedat, Ghost Council and then instant kill it. U just bounce it and start machine going again the same or next turn. Restoration Angel is another good target if u build deck using it.

2nd is with no doubt the best. If u manage to get some extra life, its price wont be that bad. And as i see it, it just rapes spark trooper+silverblade paladin combo (and i think this combo will see a lot of play). 12+12 hp life swing for 4 mana? Make it 1 hp for 2 mana. Orzhov LOVE that kind of deal;) Also use this before gruuls creature starts attacking, as their creatures may grow with bloodrush

3rd ability is also nice. If you build Orzhov deck consider dead Cathedral Sanctifier or Doomed Traveler as main targets. 3rd color splash can make Deathrite Sha... (see all)
Posted By: Reebak (1/28/2013 6:32:58 PM)


It's a two mana removal spell. With other modes. That's very good.
Posted By: marmaris74 (1/22/2013 5:03:50 PM)


Oh so you killed my Deathrite Shaman? That's cute.
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (1/23/2013 6:50:30 PM)


I love this charm a lot! I can think of decks where one can make good use of every single one of these abilities.

Consider splashing red for Vexing Devil to, you know, vex your opponents even more!
Posted By: Mode (1/26/2013 9:03:19 AM)


@ auhosj877: How's Death's Shadow for reasonable? Also, the spot removal is sick with Death's Shadow. I'm not a huge fan of auras but you could bounce Death's Shadow to dodge removal if it had a Spirit Mantle or something on it.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (1/22/2013 7:18:20 PM)


Take that spark trooper!
Posted By: TheBringer (1/23/2013 1:30:12 PM)


Dat third ability takes the cake
Posted By: pedrodyl (1/23/2013 12:45:10 PM)


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