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one of the best gatekeepers
Posted By:
(4/23/2013 3:08:10 PM)
Certainly not the strongest card ever, but don't underestimate this keeper. This card is really good if you can pull it off every single time. Also, this guy is real good friends with auriok steelshaper.
That said, it's really a farce that this card exists next to the similar Hero of Bladehold. Mythic really means undercosted and three times as good.
Posted By:
(5/4/2013 2:37:14 PM)
Well, I played this as a 3 of in my Rtr block constructed deck and I have to say that it definitely helped stem the bleeding against mono red or aggressive decks, having 4 toughness is huge, not to mention that it makes a dude that can potentially trade after getting in for a few points, solid card in the block format
P.S, I can't afford shocklands so I used the full 12 gates in my UWR control, so it's a very solid card :D
Posted By:
(11/3/2013 7:42:49 AM)
Sel3l3e is right, it's one of the better Gatekeepers. Which means that they are crap outside limited. I mean come on: what does it mean if I play with a lot of gates? Right, that I have access to a lot of colors. And that means? Yep, that I have access to a huge number of cards, the best of a lot if not all colors. And why should I play this then? :|
Posted By:
(4/24/2013 2:33:42 AM)