Anyone else think of The Count when they get hit by this guy?
"One land! Ah ah ah.......... two lands! Ah ah ah...."
Posted By:
(5/9/2013 5:26:17 AM)
He is in two colors that are really good at avoiding getting blocked. If you have been milling the opponent (likely if this guy is in your deck), he kills after two to three hits. If you haven't, it only takes five to six hits to kill an opponent. This is potentially more than his 5 CMC Standard compatriots, but also potentially way less.
Most important, his ability doesn't target, which means that you can keep milling even after a Witchbane Orb (in Standard) or Leyline of Sanctity in other formats. Most mill decks just roll over to those cards, but this guy pushes past that, and still meets your win con really efficiently. This actually makes him situationally better than Anime Jace.
He is not bad. He's worse than Nemesis of Reason but not strictly worse. Worse than Nemesis of Reason can still be pretty good.
Posted By:
(4/23/2013 8:28:48 PM)
Mentok, the Mind Taker!!!
Posted By:
(12/16/2013 9:50:20 AM)
I find it really funny that he dies to Dimir Charm.
Posted By:
(4/27/2013 9:00:03 PM)
I think people are definitely undervaluing him. Provided your opponent drew five lands over the entire game (if not, they're probably manascrewed), it takes him only three hits to finish your opponent on his own. Combined with other Dimir mill stuff, even relatively plain ones like Paranoid Delusions, he can easily kill your opponent in two strikes, possibly a single one.
Posted By:
(4/24/2013 3:17:35 AM)
I really, really like this guy. Fantastic art and good mill. He's fantastic because he works so well with both Lazav, Dimir Mastermind and Consuming Aberration.
If you need more "unblockableness" or immunity to Dimir Charm on this guy, just enchant him with Tricks of the Trade or Way of the Thief. Now you're a happy camper and your opponent isn't.
Posted By:
(5/4/2013 9:11:36 AM)
"Let's say you have a mind. And I have a mind. And I've got flying. And I fly acrooooossss the room, and start to drink your mind. I drink your mind!" *sluuuurp* "I DRINK IT UP!"
Posted By:
(6/14/2013 10:07:47 AM)
Holy crap a free repeatable Mind Funeral shouldn't be rated this low! A 3.5 at least!
Posted By:
(4/23/2013 2:52:51 PM)
Is he exciting as he could've/should've been, no. However he is a real clock, fits in Dimir, and will have tons of fans. Over all he seems like a fine card.
Posted By:
(4/23/2013 4:22:27 PM)
Mirko Vosk is totally Captain Needa of the Dimir. He's been given important assignments, but he has Screwed UP. Big Time. Lazav had him buried in a wall, and will be just fine with either success or failure in the Maze Running, since Lazav will probably be personally Cheating instead of caring about his not-so-reliable pawn.
Posted By:
(5/4/2013 7:39:31 PM)