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Community Rating: 3.833 / 5  (111 votes)
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"Use a pen, Sideshow Bob!"
Posted By: Lazenca_Seifus (4/23/2013 2:15:06 PM)


Hoo yeah, come to my burn deck you beautiful thing you.
Posted By: rollinsclone (4/24/2013 9:56:53 PM)


@Glintkawk - it's 1 life for 1 card. You're replacing the card you would have drawn anyway, for drawing an additional card and paying 1 life.

In any case, solid card. On curve, and offers potential card advantage. It is conditional though, and playing it on turn 2 means it'll prob stay there a few turns before it starts netting you cards (unlike Bob that definitely does it on the very next upkeep). It's no Bob, but it's a nice substitute for standard.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (5/4/2013 11:07:14 AM)


Bob, I can barely recognize you!
Posted By: The_Trendkill (4/24/2013 4:38:37 AM)


in some cases much better than dark confidant but in MOST cases much worse
Posted By: don_miguel (4/25/2013 4:13:45 PM)


What I REALLY like about him is they printed him after I FINALLY shelled out for a Bob -_-
LoL. :'( XD

I need this one too. >.> :P (I'm aware that Modern Masters could have Bob. I think Bob is maybe way underrated and of all the cards that are already known to be good that could increase to WTF numbers, Bob seems a good candidate. He's "fair" at 50, and he'll be cheaper than that come MM, but he is good enough in many formats that he could pull a Candelabra of Tawnos or a Jace, the Mind Sculptor and get rrrreeeeaalllllyyyyyy stupid $-wise just because he got merely somewhat better playwise because Wizards isn't going to Develop cards based on already powerful cards interacting well with them- they're going to Develop based on 'fair/intended use' and think mostly in terms of Standard, Limited and Modern. They sort of just plain Let Legacy and Vintage Be Dumb.

So I am hoping to get Bobs before he explodes and starts costing more than he's actually worth. Jace is only worth his price... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (4/23/2013 11:07:20 PM)


What happens if the first card that I draw is an instant, and I cast it before (if that's possible) drawing the second?

So I have an empty hand and Blood Scrivener in play. I draw my first card, a Lightning Bolt and cast it immediately.

Do I draw another two cards, since my hand is now empty again (and lose two life)?
Posted By: rtschimp (7/20/2013 4:20:24 AM)


Badness, at little cost.

While it's not really that horrible (still beats Goblin Piker), it's not great in most decks. Consider yourself lucky if you get to draw even a single card off it.
Posted By: sweetgab (11/29/2013 9:50:01 PM)


A powerhouse in fast aggro decks that want to empty their hands as quickly as possible. He's not as good at the oft mentioned in the same breath with him Dark Confidant, but he's still very good.
Posted By: Nagoragama (4/23/2013 5:17:23 PM)


Blood Scrivener is a good card for standard. Decent stats for a 2 mana cost. His draw ability is good when you have no cards in your hand. Only problem is if you have low life, his ability is not a option. If it was a option he would be so great, but he falls short. 3.5/5.
Posted By: pandawolf56 (4/23/2013 5:32:02 PM)


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