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Community Rating: 3.812 / 5  (85 votes)
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destroy all tokens for 3 could be pretty handy...
Posted By: badmalloc (4/29/2013 10:16:45 AM)


Dryad Arbor survives this.
Posted By: J34nM1 (4/30/2013 6:42:01 AM)


Only pay 1 for x to preserve your Storm Crows.
Posted By: Purplerooster (5/13/2013 9:40:53 PM)


Thought I'd just chime in on the whole this vs. Pernicious Deed discussion. Yes, Deed is like a billion times better, but keep in mind: Gaze of Granite can kill Planeswalkers, while Deed can't. Excellent modernization for an awesome card. Bravo, Wizards.
Posted By: WolfWhoWalks (6/5/2013 12:34:51 PM)


This card is cool. I'd say Pernicious Deed though. 5/5
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/7/2013 12:10:24 PM)


I do wish I had known of this card when playing against a Voice of Resurgence deck at my last FNM. This is an amazing way to cheaply board wipe tokens.
Posted By: spiney (6/7/2013 6:17:08 PM)


Comparison time!
Pernicious Deed is fantastic, yes, but it requires a turn to wait in order to properly drop the big one. Your opponent can play around this and stop dropping cards when they see you play it.
Both cards can be cancelled, but Pernicious Deed can also be destroyed with enchantment removal as well. In many circumstances, saccing it early can result in you screwing yourself over. It does have the advantage that you can sac it any time you like (and for more), whereas Gaze of Granite is a bit more surprising and trashes Planeswalkers too.
Keep in mind this can also be brought back and recast and whatnot. Casting it for 0 can often still be quite useful, too.

Still a solid card.
Posted By: Fenizrael (6/19/2013 9:59:03 PM)


One reason to play this card in Standard right now is that nobody will give you credit for playing it until they lose to it. Just ask Reid Duke.

It's actually very good against tokens. Current jund lists have many wolf and beast tokens, and this gets rid of them all for just 3 mana. Also wipes out M13 Garruk's ultimate surprisingly, which is how Reid lost.
Posted By: RiftenBlack (7/2/2013 1:33:45 AM)


It's heavier in color weight than the Deed, but most of the time it does the exact same thing; as waiting on Deed may cost you if they have a Krosan Grip or some such.

The Deed can do a couple neat things, like, by waiting to activate it you can cause your opponent to stall on dropping another card next turn; then blow it up anyway when they go to pass turn; making it Time Walk + Planar Cleansing, usually one-sided at that.

Aside from those two small details, this is a modern Deed and cements what G/B does in a nice fair way.
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/17/2013 9:03:07 AM)


This would free up so many slots in my Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord commander deck its unreal. I really want this card.
Posted By: Yozuk (7/18/2013 9:26:25 PM)


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