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Flippin badazz new art. An a really cool card, too
Posted By: Szalen (6/5/2013 2:45:11 PM)


This is one hell of a dangerous common. I noticed that a bunch of commons were turned into uncommons (like Horobi's Whisper), probably to hose down the amount of them found in a draft.

That begs the question: Why wasn't this uncommon?

The effect is quite grand, and can sometimes be as one-sided as Sleep. This can sometimes be better than Sleep since it can cost just White, White doesn't have as many means to tap down creatures as Blue does (but there's still a lot of White tappers), and you also get a creature.

Amazing high-pick in limited, watch out for the hard-cast: it could win you the game.
Posted By: Ferlord (6/11/2013 11:53:13 AM)


Just shows you how cool commons can be... mindless null
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/10/2013 8:23:53 AM)


This is the only card in Modern Masters that I think got a vast improvement in the new art. It's just.. MAN. That is just so rad.
Posted By: Kirbster (7/24/2013 12:22:02 AM)


This would be an Uncommon in a Modern Set, make no mistake. NWO demands it.

But apparently it's 'safe for the format' at Common in MM Draft, and WOTC left it at that. MM has diplomatic immunity from NWO.
Posted By: DarthParallax (6/11/2013 6:50:51 PM)


Every card in Time Spiral was a throwback to at least one previously printed card.

This card references Blinding Light mechanically and Ivory Guardians in it's art.
Posted By: Missile_Penguin (7/9/2013 11:24:09 AM)


I'd just like to remind everyone here that it only taps the creatures, the opponent may still untap his whole team and alpha strike you if you think this is a white sleep.
Posted By: -Knaprig- (6/18/2013 2:43:21 AM)


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