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Community Rating: 4.558 / 5  (43 votes)
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Good ol' stinky. Almost a repeatable removal spell plus evasion for just {2}{B}
Posted By: Atali (6/6/2013 11:34:02 AM)


@RetroGamer3: Because the imp's ability isn't deathtouch? It only triggers from combat damage.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (6/7/2013 11:29:46 PM)


Oh, so nice to see you again, stinky, it has been long time.
You have been always the spine of my Golgari deck. I'll never take you off from there. :')
Posted By: TheZombifier (6/9/2013 1:23:50 PM)


I saw on another printing people saying it "may as well have defender", but i disagree. It'd lose 1 or 1.5 stars from me if it had that. The fact I can pick at an enemy, especially when they're low on life, and potentially kill a flyer in the process is special.

1 life occasionally wins games; and if you have a buff spell (virulent swipe may find itself in a deck with this guy to assist with deathtouch duties) then you can easily get 3-6 damage in; we *all* know that's lethal.
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/9/2013 9:49:46 AM)


*Insert Baywatch theme song lyrics here*
Posted By: AshToMoutHound (6/5/2013 4:24:36 AM)


Why wouldn't they just print DeathTouch on it.
Lazy people.
Posted By: RetroGamer3 (6/6/2013 4:17:54 PM)


Kills emrakul, it is worth running it for that alone :)
Of course there's more, this is just one of the millions of reasons you should run him
Posted By: enjoy (6/20/2013 5:04:34 PM)


I cannot tell you how many times I have cursed this thing's existence. Basically a cheap, flying deathtouch creature that KEEPS COMING BACK TO KILL MY BEST CREATURES. WHY?!
But yeah, it's an all around good card. Useful as Hell due to it's deathtouch (basically), the fact that it can bring down fliers, and the only reason I'd pay 3 mana for this card....dredge.
Posted By: Modernloki21 (9/13/2013 3:23:01 AM)


Yeah, there's a slight difference between this ability and deathtouch: non-combat damage (through fighting, for example) isn't deadly.
Posted By: JimmyNoobPlayer (10/3/2013 3:59:57 AM)


Stinkweed Imp is one of my favorite cards. You do not need a hardcore dredge deck for this to be amazing. All you need is a decent amount of graveyard-based cards. Even outside of a graveyard deck, this can be really effective.
Posted By: OlvynChuru (5/10/2014 6:51:57 AM)


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