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Community Rating: 3.867 / 5  (15 votes)
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Now I can play Rift Bolt for 1RR at instant speed!

Edit: I just realized that Rift bolt is a sorcery and thus has to be suspended as one. Instant speed after a one mana deposit is almost as good i guess.
Posted By: MasterOfCruelties (6/22/2013 3:58:06 PM)


'I'm a typical firebreathing elemental, although with that awkward two mana for +2 cost. That ok?'

'Yeah, sure...'

'I also.. umm... have another cost...'

'... what is it?'

'I apologise, but I also make you have to remove time counters from suspended cards! I'm so sorry!'

'... not at all good sir, not at all! I'm sure we'll, erm... work around this, terrible, terrible cost...'
Posted By: psychichobo (6/13/2013 12:13:26 PM)


Are those fists? Is that one knee? Are those abs? What is going on in this art?
Posted By: qk1 (1/14/2014 7:49:58 PM)


Ho ho ho, Heroes Remembered. Should keep the bastards on their toes, shouldn't it? You can also hasten the duplication of Chronozoa, also!
Posted By: Maxofthehouse (3/1/2014 3:55:41 AM)


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