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Community Rating: 3.970 / 5  (134 votes)
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True Conviction, some Lingering Souls and its a party!
Posted By: talcumpowder0046 (8/31/2013 4:57:28 PM)


@mdawkw576: its now played with spike feeder in modern pod decks as another infinite combo.
Posted By: demidracolich (9/15/2013 7:42:23 PM)


@demidracolich: Don't forget it takes Melira's place going infinite with Kitchen Finks and a sac engine.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (9/21/2013 4:58:02 PM)


This card is way too good for monowhite lifegain decks, and pairs perfectly with her Fiendslayer Paladin buddy. Definitely a huge threat that needs to be dealt with, and even getting 2-4 counters out before she dies is enough to cause a lot of pressure. Definitely one of my favorite cards in this set.
Posted By: Sneetches (10/14/2013 12:34:50 PM)


Archangel of Thune is so white it can't dance.
Posted By: BreakfastElemental (11/4/2013 2:58:19 AM)



A 3/4 Archangel of Thune will lose to a 4/4 Serra Angel if no life is gained before. a 5/5 Baneslayer Angel will lose to a 5/6 (or larger) Archangel of Thune if played carefully and life was gained. Maybe read the card before calling someone else stupid? A thought.
Posted By: KasaiAisu (12/5/2013 9:16:25 PM)


Archangel of Thune is a fantastic card. Whenever you gain life you put a +1/1 counter on all your creatures. I played it in an extort deck and it's a beast. It also works well with Angelic Accord and Soulmender. Also pair it with Angelic Skirmisher for a great combination. A truly under rated card.
Posted By: Retto (12/21/2013 9:23:57 PM)


no. 1: I didn't use the word stupid, you did, sir.

no. 2: I was only commenting on the fact that SerGarlan mentioned a situation that is basicly "If I play AoT and do absolutely nothing and still decide to block a crappy card, it will die. If I play AoT and boost it a couple of times, I can block a card better than the crappy one and it will kill it. Hence, AoT is balanced"...this is obviously a falacy, mr. smart ass (look it up), it's like saying AoT is balanced because it dies to craw wurm if unboosted but kills akroma if I play a primal growth on it or whatever

no. 3: On the actual card, anyone who says this is balanced is insane. It is to lifegain decks what last year's sublime archangel is to exalted decks (maybe not as good). I don't mind a new archangel tradition on core sets at all, just saying this is a super card

no. 4: I've read the card more than enough times, thank you for y... (see all)
Posted By: Kariuko (12/24/2013 5:17:19 AM)


just won my first ever mtgo with this in m14sealed. felt good.
Posted By: i_love_alara_of_bant (3/4/2014 2:26:04 PM)


yep, that's Felicia Day
Posted By: JoshtheWizard (3/12/2014 2:25:31 AM)


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