This was probably designed in order to combo with Grim Return, but for the same mana, you can can Doom Blade and then use Grim Return all at instant speed instead. Only downside to this over Liturgy of Blood is Doom Blade's nonblack creature drawback.
Regardless, this card will still see play in limited for being okay removal in that format with the potential to gain tempo with the three black mana.
Posted By:
(7/10/2013 10:29:28 PM)
Anybody who says this is not good in limited... just pass it my way.
Posted By:
(7/21/2013 6:34:49 PM)
Notice that it fits perfectly with Grim Return..
Also, cool things to be had with anything that copies spells, like Spellweaver Helix
Posted By:
(7/12/2013 10:01:33 AM)
Answers almost anything and only cost a net value of 2 cmc. Even if you can't take advantage of the ritual effect this is still a solid card.
Posted By:
(7/18/2013 8:12:15 AM)
Perfect design and fantastic art. I hope it stays in the core for awhile.
Posted By:
(7/10/2013 9:58:16 PM)
This is a solid kill spell for zombies. Most of them are 3 mana so on turn 5 after you just dropped a zombie warchief you kill a creature and drop another one!
Posted By:
(7/11/2013 6:43:17 PM)
Destroys any creature and gives you reanimation mana at sorcery speed. Is it horribly broken? No, hence why you people are ripping on it for not being powerful enough. What it is is a limited bomb with potentially interesting spell interactions and a highly efficient net cost.
Posted By:
(8/14/2013 4:33:38 PM)
One of these days I want to meet Zul Ashur. It's a pity core sets hate legendaries...
Posted By:
(10/24/2013 7:12:24 PM)
Yep, this card kind of proves my comment on Doom Blade. As far as removal goes, this is far too expensive for anything other than limited, but its upside still makes it not totally unplayable. In fact, you're only spending a net of 2 mana to kill a dude without any restrictions. Not sure what to spend it on, though...
Posted By:
(7/9/2013 5:32:50 PM)
It's like Dark Ritual... It's also very not Dark Ritual...
Posted By:
(7/10/2013 9:25:09 PM)