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Good against agro for hosing haste and good against control for taking away initial blocks. Awesome card.
Posted By: Purplerooster (7/9/2013 5:40:15 PM)


I should think that most would chose Blind Obedience over this as B.O. is tougher to remove and also includes artifacts in addition to critters.
Posted By: CopySix (7/9/2013 3:15:35 PM)


Blind Obidience is better, but this followed by Fiendslayer Paladin sounds pretty scary.
Posted By: Sonserf369 (7/9/2013 7:59:21 PM)


Seams odd they would print a creature with this ability considering there is a enchantment that does so much more in Standard already... that isnt seeing much play.

but, its hard to argue with the effectiveness of 2/1's for 2 so maybe this will see play.

4/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (7/9/2013 6:16:06 PM)


@DoragunShinzui, 2/1 makes perfect sense on this card, because it doesn't die to everything. In particular, it doesn't die to tapped things. Which, given that it causes things to be tapped, works out fine.
Posted By: sonorhC (8/23/2013 6:48:02 AM)


Let's see: there's Blind Obedience,Frozen Aether, Urabrask, and Loxodon Gatekeeper. Which one do you find best? I'd say Blind Obedience is best here, it affects artifacts as well, has an extra ability, and is harder to remove, but this dude will still be a bomb in limited! I'd certainly play it if I could get a set!
Posted By: Blasphemale (7/9/2013 2:34:29 PM)


Good for white weenie, especially since it's a 2/1. I still think Blind Obedience is better. Blind Obedience taps both creatures and artifacts, has extort (which can be really useful mid - late game), is an enchantment in addition to enchantment decks, and it's CMC is the same, 1White. Might just buy four Obediences for $12.00 than pay $16.00 for a creature version without the targeting of artifacts and extort.
Posted By: ATM97 (7/18/2013 11:43:48 AM)


All of the yes. I want a couple for Modern Death and Taxes really bad.
Posted By: rollinsclone (7/24/2013 11:17:31 AM)


I would say that the soveirgn is way better in standard than blind obedience because of the ability to thrown in the 2 damage and be a human on top of it, but I have a modern deck that is constantly sweeping the board with cards like pyroclasm and terminus, so the soveirgn just doesn't work. But as I said, she is way better in standard because she can put pressure on them while shutting them down.
Posted By: StrayWanderer (7/26/2013 2:08:59 PM)


@Mistralis If you've gotten to the lategame with a white aggro deck you've already lost. Also you don't have enough mana for the extort triggers, so no Blind Obedience won't do more damage.
Posted By: myztikrice (8/8/2013 4:59:32 PM)


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