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Community Rating: 4.255 / 5  (55 votes)
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I agree with Ferlord. Sarcastic or not, for Koth to say that makes him sound kind of stupid. Either he really doesn't know the instant he sees it, or nobody believes him when he says that he does. This card makes me sad.
Posted By: RustyKeyes (12/18/2013 8:18:41 PM)


the art implies it should deal some damage to the creature it is equip to

3/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (12/20/2013 7:33:29 AM)


Actually, Ferlord and RustyKeyes, I think he's proving whoever the guy in the picture is wrong. Think about it: Someone you know is talking about how great their new headphones are, then you prove them wrong. Wouldn't you say something along the lines of "Looks like they weren't brand-name after all"?
Posted By: Casimir_the_Great (2/2/2014 10:41:39 PM)


An excellent side board card against monoblack and midrange decks which use the God weapons as a big part of their strategy.
Posted By: Lord_Skoonie (2/17/2014 12:57:54 AM)


@Ferlord - I always took this flavor text as more of a sarcastic retort, after melting said artifact.

That being said, It's a pretty good card, having any targeted artifact removal for {R} seems kinda broken, but, that's only from years of Shatter.

Finally seeing this card actually makes me feel better, Naturalize compared to Shatter just isn't fair.
Posted By: SquirePath (2/22/2014 7:37:45 PM)


Well hello there, Godsend.
Posted By: aaglo (5/6/2014 6:57:37 AM)


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