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Community Rating: 3.516 / 5  (61 votes)
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Wouldn't this be only as good as a Reverberate? Since Sphinx's Revelation says "You", I think that this spell wouldn't do anything to their copy, as it has no targets to choose. You would still get your own copy though
Posted By: Kyrthain (7/10/2013 3:57:01 PM)


The fun you can have when targeting a Wild Ricochet with a Wild Ricochet...
My God.
Posted By: sirentu (7/27/2013 6:12:22 AM)


@heegu the X of the copy would not be 0. when something is on the stack, X is whatever they paid for X.
Posted By: Ryjhan (7/11/2013 5:12:57 PM)


As everyone has been saying, Sphinx's Revelation does not target: you will still get your own copy, but you can't gain 2X life and draw 2X cards unfortunately. I'm not 100% sure how it works with fuse cards, but from the rulings, it seems like using this on a Far and Away reads: "return two target creatures to their owner's hand, target player sacrifices two creatures", which can also be translated as "value", same with Turn and Burn. Unfortunately not that great against some of the other top spells in standard right now like Supreme Verdict, and, to a lesser extent, Unburial Rites (Unless they have an Arbor Elf in their gy). Still, I'm interested to see what people do with this...
Posted By: Aremath (7/12/2013 12:18:32 AM)


Is Sphinx's Revelation making you mono-red deck sad?
How would you like to take that from them?
How would you like to take it from them twice?

You're right.
I'm much more sad now.
I guess the upside to running this over Reverberate would be the potential to copy a control deck's other spells.
Posted By: infernox10 (7/14/2013 1:01:33 AM)


Your great grandmother's great grandmother would be disappointed at the new flavour text
Posted By: Paladin85 (7/15/2013 9:48:04 AM)


Why are people talking about this as a hoser for Sphinx's Revelation when we have Skullcrack? This card is just an awesome counter against control and decks with lots of targeting, namely Black, Red and Blue decks.
Posted By: lorendorky (7/18/2013 3:17:18 AM)


People are correct that this is a hoser card. It probably got reprinted as an answer to Abrupt Decay. If you use this correctly it can potentially be a 3-for-1. I personally can't wait to see someone play Abrupt Decay only to have it redirected at that person's Witchstalker with the copy targeting Liliana of the Veil.
Posted By: gatorjunkie (7/29/2013 9:19:20 PM)


I once played an EDH game in my playgroup, a new guy was in it, he played time stretch, I played this, I then began on my 5 turns (my regular turn+ the extra 2 from the changed target + the extra 2 from the copy) in a row and said "this is why we don't play extra turn cards in EDH in this playgroup okay?" Since that day, everyone in the playgroup agreed to not play extra turn cards in EDH, and it keeps the game much more fun not having to wait for a guy take 4+ turns one after the other, which is so easy to pull off in EDH.
Posted By: Sironos (8/11/2013 11:32:11 AM)


I don't understand why this is generating so much hate in comparison to reverberate. After all, this is reverberate + changing the targets for a spell for {2}{R}{R}. That doesn't seem to outrageous to me. It's like 2 reverberates, but you can use it on an opponent's spell and change their targets. I would actually see that as better than 2 reverberates, because it's kind of like reverberate + reverberate + cancel.
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (8/18/2013 6:53:57 PM)


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