Turns out this is secretly a preview of Theros-block's duel-land cycle. And it's a full cycle, too - both allied and enemy color pairings.
Posted By:
(9/5/2013 9:41:40 PM)
As A3Kitsune implied, this is going to be strictly worse than the scrylands from Theros, like Temple of Triumph.
They're all going to be rare. They're decent. But being CIPT-lands, i feel like they should have been uncommons only.
Shards of Alara's tricolor-taplands for instance were also uncommon. Zendikar's lifegain taplands were also uncommon. Admittedly, Zendikar had another rare cycle and was a land-centered Cycle, also had the rare CIPT-manlands in Worldwake, and scy is usually worth more than one life, and there are going to be a couple of cards in Theros that interact with it (similar to how Onslaught's Astral Slide triggers with Cycling). BUT STILL.
Posted By:
(9/12/2013 3:16:44 PM)
I think that the Theros lands were rare because they have little to no play in limited. Unless you're already in those colors, they basically waste a rare slot.
Posted By:
(11/28/2013 12:43:16 PM)
Strictly worse than Plains.
Posted By:
(2/18/2014 7:28:02 PM)