Cipher spells.
Posted By:
(1/29/2014 8:08:28 AM)
overrated in my opinion. too many times have i lost him to a mizzium mortars or lightning strike, and my face has suffered for it. you can't really use him to chump block bigger things later on. also, the art is ugly
Posted By:
(1/29/2014 10:30:11 AM)
Threat of activation.
Gonna block this guy with your precious 3 or 4 toughness creature? No. You're gonna take 2. I save my mana and my life.
Posted By:
(2/10/2014 10:34:40 PM)
Use this in a deck with Whip of Erebos to cut down on the draw backs.
Also standard has cards like Chandra, Pyromaster and Mizzium Mortars that make this much harder to block early on and latter in the game. You could have the opponent down to 10 life on turn three if you use Ash Zealot and Chandra's Phoenix, Fallow that up with Purphoros, God of the Forge and you'll have the game set.
Posted By:
(3/10/2014 5:01:26 PM)
Firedrinker Satyr + Pariah + Indestructibility - If you can't win, why not draw?
Posted By:
(3/21/2014 3:35:40 PM)
For a second there thought this had the exact inverse name of Satyr Firedancer. Though It's usability is the exact opposite of the Firedancer's.
Anyways, this card sucks @$$. Or rather, they were WAY too afraid that a 2/1 in red would just be too good for some unknown reason. I really don't understand why.
Posted By:
(3/26/2014 11:22:39 AM)
Since he is a 2/1, any pump you give him with his ability will only result in more damage to the opponent then to you. Sorta the same way Putrid Leech works. Give a little to get a little, right?
Obviously you won't want to block with him, since because of his ability, you would still take the damage and possibly lose him as well. To that end, it's up to you whether you want to run either this guy or Rakdos Cackler in your 1-drop slot. Though its interesting, usually I don't see "backfire" abilities on cards other then black. I'm sure this guy will interact very well with Iroas when the latter is released =)
Posted By:
(4/15/2014 8:17:32 PM)
I see you, Niall Silvain! Your disguise isn't fooling anybody. Go back to the reserved list.
Posted By:
(4/30/2014 12:37:46 PM)
Definitely an underrated card. I recently drafted a Sligh/Burn deck in MTGO's Cube... and when I got this guy out turn 1, I won. Period. It's really that simple -- he is that good.
Granted, he's a lot better when you follow him up with something like a t3 Sulfuric Vortex, but yeah. IMO, he is the king of the reckless Red 2/1 1-drops.
Posted By:
(5/2/2014 6:06:14 PM)
Just give him a Dragon Mantle.
Posted By:
(5/8/2014 3:24:01 PM)