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There are still relevant spells and abilities in standard, but that's irrelevant. This is top-down design at its finest. Three abilities, three heads, and as a guardian of the underworld, he does his job preventing anyone from getting in; or anything from getting back out.

Also, absurdly powerful, all things considered. I like it.
Posted By: Doaj (9/17/2013 5:03:29 PM)


Between this, Rescue from the Underworld, and Chained to the Rocks, the flavor in this set is so good it makes my head explode.

As for the card itself, a 6/6 for 5 that's almost unblockable is good on it's own, not to mention it has two good abilities tacked on. Whether or not it hits standard will probably depend on if there is a deck that makes good enough use of its third ability, but I think it'll find a home somewhere. It's too good not to.
Posted By: Ogonomany (9/19/2013 11:29:21 AM)


Stops Scavenging Ooze cold, doesn't stop scavenge, dredge, Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord. This hound protects Golgari shenanigans a lot more then he stops them.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (9/19/2013 4:07:09 PM)


I'm loving BR's increasing "NO, YOU SHUT THE **** UP WITH YOUR ANTICS" card designs that hose at least 4 strategies at once while smacking face. I am increasingly tempted to build a "Screw You" deck with this guy, Sire of Insanity, Cackler, Rakdos Charm in the sideboard, etc.
Posted By: Nucleon (9/18/2013 10:29:49 PM)


Fannnntastic flavor!!

Also, really pushed in terms of P/T to CMC.
Posted By: Lord_of_Tresserhorn (9/17/2013 5:28:21 PM)


Hahaha, I wrote this thing if as not that great, then I pulled fluffy here, in a draft game. Every other game was my opponents scrambling to get three blockers out. Thank God for all the common burn cards in this block
Posted By: IAmTheNecromancer (2/22/2014 9:55:06 PM)


A Spiritmonger's body and some kickass abilities make for a great finisher, although the graveyard ability is a little odd seeing as how Innistrad is rotating out.
Posted By: Continue (9/17/2013 3:55:18 PM)


It's funny how it's like, "Dude! Stop touching your grave!"
And when he dies, it's like, "Lol, nah it's okay. Here, have all your things back!"

Not the most consistent creature for anti-graveyard stuff, but it's cool in its own way. It'll definitely show up in many EDH decks.
Posted By: Ferlord (9/19/2013 6:54:58 AM)


Erebos has decreed that the Golgari Swarm shall no longer commit heinous graveyard shenanigans. To enforce this law, he has sent his mighty hounds to patrol the Rivers.
Posted By: TheWallinator74 (9/18/2013 10:53:05 AM)


Hose that block that already rotated-wait, what?
Posted By: Totema (9/18/2013 10:52:28 PM)


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