Talk about wrong place wrong time... Most useless mythic I've ever seen and besides playing the role of a beatstick, contributes absolutely nothing to this standard meta. Most of my resentment was that I pulled him out of my first Theros booster box. Waste of a mythic.
Posted By:
(3/31/2014 10:32:33 PM)
The most flavourful mythic as of yet. You really get the impression that it's a watchdog of the Underworld.
Posted By:
(9/20/2013 3:35:51 PM)
It's kind of funny how Two-Headed Cerberus has double strike but as soon as you add the third head it's like "Nope! One head per person, no cheating."
Posted By:
(9/20/2013 9:24:20 PM)
No one said wow the art is BAD ASS !
My favorite card in the set hands down.
Posted By:
(9/21/2013 3:01:14 PM)
I can envision a fairly cool Jund deck with this guy and Lotleth Troll.
"Hey, you killed my nearly unblockable 6/6? It's cool... let me just get some creatures to pump my trampling Troll.
Posted By:
(9/26/2013 1:07:40 PM)
As long as you exile the cards from their graveyard to prevent them from getting a handful of creatures back when he dies, this card is vicious. He could be very good in a deck running both Scavenging Ooze and Deathrite Shaman.
Posted By:
(9/28/2013 4:55:45 AM)
@Hollowing Crypt Incursion says hello. Best of all, it's not targeting anything so you can use it while Cerberus is out. Since it's an instant you can respond to Cerberus' death with it.
Posted By:
(10/6/2013 12:31:20 PM)
Do they really need to keep on hosing flashback AFTER innistrad goes out of Standard?
And would it be too much to ask to make triple strike a keyword?
But 4srs though, this card makes me want to cry and then vomit because there's so much flavor.
Posted By:
(10/13/2013 6:34:12 PM)
Really sick creature, I just wish it was legendary so I could play it as a commander. I wonder if Rakdos Midrange can make a comeback in standard?
Also this doesn't hose flashback, doesn't hose morbid, doesn't hose undying (although the mass Raise Dead works with Undying rather nicely).
It does make Snapcaster suddenly seem pretty vanilla, but other than that this isn't really Innistrad hate.
Posted By:
(10/15/2013 10:18:36 AM)
Deliciously powerful and delightfully flavorful, at least until one dies while two or more are on the field. Everything's just casually strolling out of the Underworld while Cerberus #2 just takes a nap.
Posted By:
(10/18/2013 4:10:24 PM)